Our Products Your Family.

Welcome to the exciting world of robotics in your home! Designed to make our lives easier if you’re looking for a helping hand or just want to experience the incredible benefits of having a robot in your home, now is the perfect time to start exploring your options!


Need some company? With smart homes becoming the norm – having a digital companion around can be quite handy. El Chapo connects to your wifi and can interact with your devices. With built in Alexa, control your lights, set reminders, play music and help organise things.  😉

PABLO v2.6b

Pablo started as robot made from rudimentary materials and now a fully fledged self balancing robot made from aluminum, carbon fiber and Titanium. Pablo uses Jetson technology at the core of the brain where the magic happens – from looking to improve on its abilities but also to figure out how our robot will benefit our society. 

Take a look in our shop!

We have new offers and deals on our latest fleet member El Chapo! Click below to get your hands on one.